10 Struggles You'll Only Understand If You're an Older Sibling

Unsplash / Jude Beck

As any older sibling will attest to, there’s just something about being the firstborn that makes you feel special . . . and also underappreciated. You’re the one who had to grow up first, figure life out without another sibling to confide in, and go through it all without so much as a flip phone by your side. Let’s face it, you were the guinea pig of the family, and there’s a lot of struggles no one, especially your younger siblings, will ever really get.

Keep reading to unpack all of the things only older siblings will understand. See how many of these experiences you can relate to, and use this to prove to your family that older siblings really are the best, and should be celebrated as such. After all you’ve been through, it’s the least they can do!

Related: This Candle Is Made For the Oldest Because "You're Just More Important," So Suck It, Younger Siblings

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