People Share What They Wish They’d Known When They Were 21, and It’s Such Good Advice

Getty / Luis Alvarez

Turning 21 is a huge moment in your life. You’re in a crazy whirlwind process of finishing college, taking the first few steps in your career, and preparing to embark on life as a true adult – whatever that means. It’s simultaneously so terrifying and so exciting, and with your mind battling millions of thoughts at once, it’s easy to forget to take a moment to just stop stressing and enjoy this time period while it lasts (spoiler: it goes by quickly).

It’s always good to hear reassuring advice from people who have been exactly where you are right now. I spoke with men and women in their 20s and 30s to find out what they would tell their 21-year-old selves if they had the chance. Keep reading to see what they said.

Related: 31 Things You Need to Start Doing For Yourself in Your 20s

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