31 Things You Need to Start Doing For Yourself in Your 20s

Being in your 20s is exciting, exhilarating, and intimidating all at once. This decade is all about figuring out who you are and what you want, so you shouldn’t feel bad about making a few mistakes along the way. It can be easy to get distracted by work, relationships, money, and so much more, but your first priority should be taking care of yourself. And that starts with the small things. Keep reading for 31 things you can start doing right now to make today and your future so much better.

  1. Wear sunscreen every day.
  2. Start buying yourself flowers every week; it will improve your happiness level so much.
  3. Start your 401(k) and a savings account.
  4. Set aside a (small) portion of your paycheck to treat yourself to something on your wish list.
  5. Drink lots of water. Your body will thank you.
  6. Work out or go for a run whenever you’re feeling down. It distracts your mind, floods you with endorphins, and helps you stay fit.
  7. Get your hair colored by a professional, not a box.
  8. Go social media-free for a week.
  9. Stop relying on your parents for money.
  10. Learn a few go-to recipes.
  11. Get rid of clothes you’ve had since high school.
  12. Stop getting blackout drunk.
  13. Don’t punish yourself for buying lattes if it makes you happy.
  14. Deck out your office desk.
  15. Start practicing preventative moisturizing.
  16. Stop doing things because you feel obligated.
  17. Don’t compare yourself to others.
  18. Feed your body right on a regular basis – but save room for the occasional treat, of course.
  19. Begin paying off college debt.
  20. Treat yourself to something new for your home that will make it a cozier and happier place to live in.
  21. Don’t avoid the dentist.
  22. Pick up a new hobby or activity, even if it means doing it completely on your own.
  23. Pay off your credit card every month.
  24. Start letting go of toxic friends.
  25. Don’t change or compromise aspects of your personality and who you are for someone you’re dating.
  26. Have art on your walls that’s not just unframed posters.
  27. Call your family. Email them. Send them a note when you miss them. They miss you just as much, if not more.
  28. Start hosting cocktail parties at home.
  29. Say yes to more things. This is the time to experiment and try anything, and you most likely won’t regret trying.
  30. Remember to love yourself, always.
  31. Get the guacamole. It’s only $1.80 extra.

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