Your May 22 Weekly Horoscope Could Spice Up Your Life in More Ways Than One

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If you’ve been feeling ambiguous or uncertain with regard to your personal goals and aspirations, the confusion won’t last for much longer. In fact, your May 22 weekly horoscope is switching gears and presenting you with a brighter, and more stimulating, backdrop. Granted, we are in the midst of Mercury retrograde, but the sun’s shift into thought-provoking Gemini will naturally pick up the pace. (That is, when compared to the slow-and-steady pace we endured all throughout Taurus season.) Are you ready for liftoff?

The week kicks off with the last quarter moon in Pisces, which has everything to do with transitioning out of a past energy that’s no longer in alignment with your soul’s truth. Coincidentally, Mars will also be transitioning out of Pisces before entering Aries (its sign of rulership) on May 24. With this in mind, take a moment to reflect on everything from your motivations to your carnal desires. Also known as the god of war, Mars is the planet of assertion, combat, passion, and vitality; it’s that rush of adrenaline you feel whenever you’re inspired. Having said that, this red-hot transit will supercharge Venus and Jupiter and set plans in motion. If you get grounded and meditate on the current energies, you can probably feel the shift in momentum starting to build, slowly but surely.

On May 25, Mercury retrograde will harmonise with revelatory Pluto, which can be equally as enlightening as it is taboo-like. Whether personally or professionally, this celestial synergy could bring forth a significant amount of clarity. Mercury is a pro at gathering the facts, but its spidey senses are on high alert when retrograde. Subliminal yet louder than words, its connection to shadowy Pluto adds a layer of intensity and perhaps even suspicion to our exchanges. No need to overanalyse things, but keep your eyes peeled. On May 27, Venus will face off with Pluto, creating friction and intensity in our relationship dynamics, sense of security, and desire for autonomy.

Warning: steer away from power plays and manipulative tactics right now. Mars will already be in its sign of rulership, so things could go from zero to 100. We also just had a total lunar eclipse in Scorpio, so things are bound to start changing, especially now that Mars is full speed ahead in Aries. On May 28, Venus will also be returning to its sign of rulership, Taurus, which is always a plus. Remember, Venus rules this fixed earth sign, as it is symbolic of abundance, pleasure, and sensuality. Not too shabby, especially when considering this week’s adrenaline-filled transits. A great time to stop and smell the roses, literally.

If you’re wondering what this week has in store for you, read on for your weekly horoscope for May 22 through May 28, according to your zodiac sign and your rising sign. For a look at the whole month, check out your May horoscope, and for a greater look at your year overall, read your 2022 horoscope.

Aries (March 21-April 19) Weekly Horoscope For May 22, 2022

You’re in for a treat, Aries. Although, before you reap some stellar perks, the week of May 22 will kick off with a last quarter moon in Pisces activating your 12th house of closure, dreams, and unconscious patterns. This – along with the fact that your ruler, Mars, is sitting alongside boundless Neptune – is testing your faith in the universe regarding what your future holds. Do you trust the process? After the moon conjuncts Mars and Neptune on May 24, go-getter Mars will return to your sign for the first time since 2020 – and, well, let’s just say you’ll be quite fond of this change in momentum. Also expect interesting developments on May 25, when Mercury retrograde harmonises with powerhouse Pluto; this could likely impact your income or your overall sense of security.

That same day, the moon will join forces with Mars, Jupiter, and the wounded healer, Chiron, in your sign, supercharging your emotional world while presenting you with an opportunity to go inward and confront the part of yourself that needs more of your attention. Speaking of confrontation, before concluding its journey through your sign, Venus will go head to head with Pluto, creating friction and intensity in your relationships, whether with an authority figure or a significant other. Control issues are bound to arise, so try to avoid one-uppers and petty power plays. On May 28, Venus will enter Taurus, and this will complement your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances, and sense of security. Reflect on your blessings, express your gratitude, and bask in your abundance.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Weekly Horoscope For May 22, 2022

You’re getting ready to close a significant chapter in your life, and it’s all for the best, Taurus. In addition to this week’s last quarter moon in Pisces (which has everything to do with surrender) lighting up your 11th house of community affairs, the moon will be joining forces with Mars and Neptune on May 24 – which can be equally as elusive as it is alluring. The catch? This ultra-dreamy synergy could cloud your judgement, create illusions, and trigger feelings of restlessness. Ironically, your celestial ruler, Venus, will also be in harmony with Saturn, which can help ground your energy, especially when compared to the Neptunian blur. More importantly, however, this is an opportunity for you to solidify a connection, as it will remind you of the people you can actually depend on.

Go-getter Mars enters Aries that same day, slipping into your 12th house of closure, which continues to validate the need to recharge and put things to rest. Then again, Mercury retrograde (in your sign) will link up with shadowy Pluto on May 25, and this could potentially bring the past back around for review, especially those of you avoiding an important conversation or a pending agreement of sorts. Confrontation isn’t always easy, but still necessary when considering Venus’s square to Pluto on May 27. Have you been keeping a secret in a partnership or collaboration? Power struggles are likely, namely when it comes to you and someone else’s belief systems. On a much brighter note, your luscious planetary ruler, Venus, will return to your sign on May 28, which is always a treat. Prioritise your self-care, but be sure to indulge in your sensual pleasures.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Weekly Horoscope For May 22, 2022

It’s your birthday season, Gemini. Celebratory getaway? The week of May 22 kicks off with the last quarter moon in Pisces lighting up your 10th house of career, reputation, and sense of authority, which means you are more than likely looking over those extra vacation days. Also, in the event of revisiting, your celestial ruler, Mercury retrograde, will re-enter Taurus and your dreamy 12th house of closure, dreams, and all things behind the scenes today, so consider this an opportunity to lay low and recharge your batteries. The sun will also harmonise with lucky Jupiter in your friendship sector, which is equally as energising as it is inspiring. Bring your best pals along for your birthday weekend extravaganza; you deserve it. On May 24, amidst dazzling through your 11th house of community, Venus will harmonise with taskmaster Saturn in your ninth house of travel, expansion, and belief systems.

Whether through exciting logistics surrounding an upcoming adventure or an entrepreneurial venture you’re brainstorming with coworkers, the cosmos has your back. You’re well aware of who you can count on today, and that’s a gift. The moon will also meet with Mars and Neptune in dreamy Pisces, which, in turn, reminds you to follow your dreams and let the chips fall where they may. (Another excuse to ditch work and head to the beach?) Assertive Mars will also be making its fiery debut in Aries, bringing energy, passion, and lots of traction to your social life. On May 25, Mercury retrograde (via your 12th house of secrets) will trine Pluto, adding a layer of intensity and taboo to your exchanges. Read between the lines and follow your intuition. This could be what inspires you to take a partnership in a new direction.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Weekly Horoscope For May 22, 2022

Your perception of the world is changing in more ways than you realise, Cancer. And this week’s last quarter moon in Pisces is encouraging you to detach your emotions from a specific outcome. The sun’s sextile to lucky Jupiter is also inspiring you to take the lead and release feelings of self-doubt. Mercury retrograde will also re-enter Taurus and your socially conscious 11th house of community. Is there a dream or aspiration you’ve been procrastinating? Maybe it’s something as simple as getting together with coworkers from your past. Professionally, this could bring some projects and colleagues back around, as Mercury will meet with Mars on May 23.

Speaking of your dream job, this new gig or collaboration could lead to something greater in due time, especially when considering Venus’s sweet sextile to structured Saturn on May 24. Partnerships are being solidified with individuals you can rely on. Keep in mind, the moon will conjunct Mars and Neptune in Pisces on this day, which means you could be second-guessing yourself or the opportunity being presented to you. Don’t underestimate yourself; growth will always require you to step outside of your comfort zone. Besides, with Mars making its fiery debut in Aries (in your career sector), you’ll have the energy and confidence to get the job done. Having said that, Mercury retrograde will trine Pluto on May 25, which means there’s likely an interesting twist to this new collaboration. Pay attention, and be sure to read the fine print.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Weekly Horoscope For May 22, 2022

How can you improve the foundation of your personal and professional partnerships, Leo? The week of May 22 begins with the last quarter moon in Pisces glimmering through your eighth house of mergers and soulmate connections, which suggests the possibility of you healing a wound surrounding intimacy or perhaps detaching from a connection that’s been draining your energy. Themes surrounding your health habits and general mindfulness could also be top of mind, so be sure to prioritise your well-being. On May 24, while dazzling your exotic ninth house of expansion, Venus will harmonise with Saturn in your relationship sector, bringing forth the opportunity to connect and collaborate with dependable suitors. Whether personally or professionally, don’t let the stellium of elusive energies lighting up your eighth house of mergers instil fear in you.

Read the fine print before signing any sort of contract and make sure you set the necessary boundaries. Besides, Mars will be joining Jupiter and Venus in Aries that same day, which means you will likely be as inspired as ever about venturing into the unknown. On May 25, Mercury retrograde in Taurus (your career sector) will harmonise with Pluto via your sixth house of daily routines. You could be revisiting a previous employer or perhaps reflecting on the logistics of your new venture. Either way, expect developments and significant insight at this time. Your challenge this week, however, could potentially stem from Venus’s square to Pluto on May 27. Whether it’s regarding a particular belief system or a new opportunity getting in the way of your daily duties, beware of power dynamics and ego trips. Relationships may be tested as well, so try to take a route that is less stressful.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Weekly Horoscope For May 22, 2022

There’s nothing wrong with speaking your truth, but holding a grudge isn’t going to get you anywhere, Virgo. This is something to consider this week, as it will kick off with a last quarter moon (symbolic of release) in Pisces via your seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others. Have you recently outgrown a commitment? Despite whether it’s personally or professionally speaking, the sun’s sextile to lucky Jupiter could come bearing gifts – especially if you’ve been uncertain whether to take the lead in a connection or waiting on news of a promotion. Keep in mind, your celestial ruler, Mercury, is still retrograde, but it will re-enter Taurus and your expansive ninth house of adventure today. Are you ready and willing to put in the work?

On May 24, Venus will harmonise with taskmaster Saturn in your responsible sixth house of daily routines, suggesting the possibility of you solidifying a partnership, perhaps one that could benefit your well-being in the process. However, with the moon conjunct Mars and Neptune in your relationship sector, you’re more likely to doubt yourself and the entire connection. Ground your energy and be discerning. Communication is key. With Mercury back in your ninth house, this could also revolve around a unique belief system. Mercury retrograde will harmonise with transformative Pluto the following day, bringing forth clarity and insight around a passion project or romantic connection. Is someone ready to speak their truth? Steer away from overly controlling partnerships, as Venus will also be challenged by smouldering Pluto on May 27. Call back your energy.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Weekly Horoscope For May 22, 2022

You’re healing, so take it day by day, Libra. The week of May 22 begins with the last quarter moon in Pisces highlighting your responsible sixth house of daily rituals, which means you’re being called to surrender outdated routines that are no longer serving you. And with Mercury retrograde re-entering Taurus (your intimate eighth house of mergers and soulmate connections) this could have something to do with a romantic entanglement that had you feeling less grounded or perhaps an investment you’re no longer committed to. Set yourself free. The sun will also harmonise with lucky Jupiter in your relationship sector, which means you could be presented with an opportunity to explore different horizons. Whether creatively or romantically, your celestial ruler, Venus, will harmonise with Saturn on May 24, which means you’re likely taking a partnership to the next level.

Keep in mind, the moon will conjunct Mars and Neptune via your sixth house of day-to-day responsibilities, which means you could be feeling hesitant or restless – but this is no reason to get in your own way. Mars will enter Aries (your relationship sector) the following day, all while the moon conjuncts Jupiter and the wounded healer, Chiron. Having said that, you’re either willing to fight for a particular commitment or simply finding the will to walk away entirely. Some of you may even decide to sell or rent a shared residence, especially since Mercury retrograde will trine Pluto on the same day. Warning: things could feel tumultuous on May 26, as your harmony-seeking planetary ruler clashes with Pluto via your fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations. Disagreements, power plays, and controlling behaviour is also likely. Don’t overburden yourself with trying to keep the peace. Take care of you.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For May 22, 2022

Have you been following your heart, Scorpio? A last quarter moon in Pisces will ignite your fifth house of love, passion, pleasure, and self-expression on May 22, urging you to make peace with what’s no longer emotionally fulfilling, whether it be creatively or romantically speaking. This makes sense with Mercury retrograde re-entering Taurus and your harmony-seeking seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others that same day. That means you’re being called to revisit a pending conversation or contractual agreement, whether personal or professional. The sun (celestial ruler of your bossy 10th house of authority) will also be in harmony with lucky Jupiter, which means you might even catch a lucky break in the workplace.

On May 24, while dazzling your responsible sixth house of daily rituals, Venus will form a sweet sextile to Saturn, which, in turn, presents you with an opportunity to build upon a solid foundation, whether it be in terms of family or your daily work routine. The catch? The moon will conjunct Mars and Neptune in Pisces via your fifth house of love, passion, pleasure, and self-expression; despite your passion and enthusiasm, you’re more likely to doubt your talents and abilities. Don’t get it twisted; you’re a force to be reckoned with. Speaking of which, Mercury retrograde will link up with your modern ruler, Pluto, on May 25, which means an ex-lover or business partner could come back around to hash things out with you. Consider this an opportunity to gain closure. Besides, with Venus entering stability-seeking Taurus on May 28, impressing your friends, peers, and romantic suitors will be the least of your worries.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Weekly Horoscope For May 22, 2022

Nurturing yourself makes it easier to nurture others, Sagittarius. For instance, the week of May 22 will kick off with the last quarter moon in Pisces glimmering through Pisces and your emotionally driven fourth house of home, family matters, and innermost feelings, which serves as a reminder to be more gentle with yourself. And while energising your relationship sector, the sun will harmonise with your lucky planetary ruler, Jupiter, via your romantic fifth house of love, passion, pleasure, and self-expression. Are you catching feelings for someone? If this is creatively speaking, Mercury retrograde’s shift back into Taurus could bring a brand-new perspective, so be sure to keep an open mind. This is especially significant when considering Venus’s sextile to Saturn on May 24, as it will bring fertility and stability to your personal endeavours.

The following day, Mercury retrograde will harmonise with transformative Pluto (via your stability-seeking second house of value systems) which could, in turn, bring forth some clarity regarding your money-making abilities or day-to-day routine. Be exclusive with your energy and investments. Go-getter Mars will be sizzling through Aries and your romantic fifth house of love, so be sure to follow your heart. Warning: Venus will face off with transformative Pluto on May 27, triggering tension between your heart’s desires vs. your sense of security. Beware of manipulative tendencies and control issues. Think practically and pragmatically without disregarding your muse.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Weekly Horoscope For May 22, 2022

You can’t go wrong with the truth, and you know this better than anyone, Capricorn. In the meantime, the week of May 22 kicks off with the last quarter moon in Pisces activating your third house of communication, thought process, and immediate surroundings, urging you to prioritise your peace of mind. Switching things up in your daily routine wouldn’t hurt, as the sun will also harmonise with lucky Jupiter via your fourth house of home. Moreover, Mercury retrograde will re-enter Taurus, bringing themes surrounding your romantic investments and your creative musings back around for a second look. Is this something you’re willing to invest in long-term?

With the moon conjunct Mars and Neptune in Pisces (your communication sector), you’re more prone to second-guessing yourself or focusing too much on the illusion, so be sure to ground your energy so you can make the most of your abundance. On May 25, Mercury retrograde will trine Pluto in your sign, which means you’re getting another opportunity to speak your truth, likely regarding your romantic feelings or a creative project you’ve been brainstorming. Before putting yourself out there, however, try to be discerning and mindful with your approach, as Venus will clash with Pluto in your sign on May 27. That means you’re more likely to succumb to jealousy, power struggles, and the shadow side of your desires.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Weekly Horoscope For May 22, 2022

Don’t doubt your self-worth, Aquarius. This is especially significant to consider with this week’s last quarter moon in Pisces via your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances, and value systems, as you’re being called to release and make peace with your investments and value systems. For instance, have you been neglecting your emotional stability for the sake of looking the part? On a brighter note, the sun (ruler of your relationship sector) will harmonise with lucky Jupiter via your third house of communication, which, in turn, presents you with an opportunity to communicate – or better yet, take a long-overdue vacation with a significant other. On May 24, harmony-seeking Venus will sextile structured Saturn in your sign, suggesting the possibility of you making things official with a romantic or business partner.

Keep in mind, Mercury retrograde will meet with Pluto on May 25, bringing forth a series of emotional revelations, some of which are easier to process than others. Don’t be afraid of confronting your shadow side. Recognising where you can grow and vibe higher is enough to reprogram your mind and move forward. That’s what Mercury retrograde is for, after all. However, given that Venus will also clash with Pluto on May 27, chances are taboo conversations will continue to resurface throughout the week. Nevertheless, instead of fixating on toxic debates and power plays, take this time to heal and alchemize via conversations or meditative practices. We’re all a work in progress, and you’re not alone on this journey.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Weekly Horoscope For May 22, 2022

Your emotional needs matter, Pisces. Some stories in your life are coming to a close, but it’s important to note that it’s all for the best. The week of May 22 will begin with the last quarter moon in your sign, all the while harmonising with Pluto via your 11th house of associations, community, and future visions. Are you having an unforeseen change of heart? That wouldn’t be a surprise when considering the moon’s sextile to erratic Uranus on May 23. Even still, your best bet is to expect the unexpected. The next day, Venus (via your stability-seeking second house of values) will sextile structured Saturn (via your 12th house of community and individual freedom), which brings forth the opportunity to reclaim your power and heal from past burdens or resentments.

Go-getter Mars will join Venus in Aries that same day, supercharging your second house of security, which means you’re more than likely feeling yourself. Bow chicka wow wow. On May 25, Mercury retrograde will meet with shadowy Pluto (via your 11th house of community and individual freedom), so you’ll either likely be reconnecting with an old friend or ex-colleague or hear back from a job you applied to months ago. Don’t doubt yourself, and own up to your self-worth. Opportunities could come knocking, and you won’t want to miss out. Venus’s square to Pluto on May 27 will more than likely trigger your ego or self-esteem – but not if you can help it. Ground your energy and steer away from toxic environments that deplete your goodness. No need to succumb to the power plays.

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