What Black Motherhood Has to Teach Us on Mother's Day

Retha Ferguson/Pexels / ©Lane B Photography 2020

This Mother’s Day, many of us are wondering how to be close from a distance. That physical space means that some family traditions may change, but in the quiet of the shutdown, there’s also time to break routine and take stock of what mothers really mean to us.

So, POPSUGAR sat down (via FaceTime) with Margarita Rosa, a scholar of Black women and Black motherhood at Princeton University, to discuss and honor Black women’s legacy as mothers. It’s a history that teaches us about love that endures loss and underscores what every mother stands to gain if more women have the agency, as she said, to “enter willingly and lovingly into motherhood.”

Related: Photographer Is Raising Awareness of the Increased Maternal and Fetal Mortality Rate in Black Communities

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