Brace Yourself: Mercury Retrograde Is Happening One More Time in 2020

Ready to plan for Mercury retrograde? Even if you’re not someone who’s big on astrology, you’ve probably heard of Mercury retrograde, a period of time when the planet’s position supposedly causes general confusion and upheaval in our lives. Whether you’re watching the planets out of scientific interest or astrological beliefs, here’s when you’ll want to keep an eye on Mercury this year.

According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, Mercury was in retrograde from Feb. 17 to March 10 and from June 18 to July 12. It’ll be in retrograde for a third time this year from Oct. 14 to Nov. 3. In scientific terms, Mercury retrograde refers to the period of time when Mercury appears to be traveling backward in relation to the zodiac. The planet is not, of course, actually moving in reverse; this optical illusion is known as “apparent retrograde motion.” Every year, this happens three times, a few months apart each time.

Related: Everything You Need to Know About Your Saturn Return – Including How to Survive It

If you’ve heard the buzz about Mercury retrograde, you probably know that it’s typically considered a time when all hell breaks loose, since Mercury rules things like communication and travel. It’s a good time to double down on double checking things, whether it be emails, travel plans, or work projects. Miscommunication may abound during this period, so a hefty dose of patience is in order as well. During the topsy-turvy time of Mercury retrograde, many people like to avoid making major or final decisions. Caution and backup plans are helpful at all times, of course, but especially during these times. Basically: expect the unexpected!

Are there any good parts to Mercury retrograde? According to popular astrological beliefs, Mercury retrograde is a good time to take stock of your life and your priorities. It’s a time where personal intuition and instinct may be heightened, making it ideal for taking a little time to step back and be guided by what’s feeling right (and what isn’t). And if you’re not a fan of Mercury retrograde, never fear: it only lasts for a couple of weeks each time, so just buckle in, be as flexible as you can, and trust yourself!

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