10 Investing Apps to Help You Start Making Major Money Moves

Getty / Lilly Roadstones

Investing as a young adult can help you prepare for a more financially sound future.You can start investing as early as 18 years old, but many people wait until they feel more financially stable with a well-paid salary and lower college debt. However, the sooner you can start investing your money – making your money work for you – the more funds you’ll have available for your bigger saving goals such as expensive vacations, buying a home, starting a family, and of course, your future retirement.

A common misconception that young people have when it comes to investing in stocks is that you have to have a lot of money or a financial adviser to get started. Beginning your investment journey is actually a lot easier than you may think, and it can be done right from your phone with whatever amount of money you may have saved. Investing is all about compounded growth, so even investing a small amount now can lead to large savings down the road.

Here are the best investing apps that can help you start planning for your future today.

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