Every Skill Your Kindergartner Needs to Know by the End of the Year, Direct From Teachers

Getty / Peter Dazeley

Kindergarten matters! This first year of formal schooling sets the stage for academic success by providing a strong foundation, whether its in a classroom or virtual this year.

Kindergarten is a time when kids learn basic academic skills like how to write their letters or what one hundred really means. Foundational concepts like this ensure that children are able to move on to the next level. For example, a child may be a wonderful storyteller but they need to master handwriting before they can put their creativity into words.

The kindergarten year is not just about academics, however. It is also a time for developing basic social skills like cooperation and good sportsmanship. Social-emotional development gives kids the skill set they need to do well in first grade and beyond.

So what exactly should your kindergartner be able to do by the end of the school year? We talked to two teachers to find out.

Related: Everything Your Child Needs For Kindergarten – Even If You're Homeschooling!

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