52 Easy Yet Highly Effective Ways to Motivate Yourself

Getting motivated is hard, especially when you’re in a funk or stressed about one of the many things going on in your life. Pushing yourself to follow your dreams – or let alone get out of bed in the morning – is sometimes easier said than done. Luckily, we know a few ways to give you all the motivation you need to tackle whatever might be in front of you. These simple yet effective tips will help you hit the “refresh” button on your life in no time at all. Read ahead to see the best things you can do to get motivated, and get ready to be on top of the world.

Additional reporting by Emily Co, Maya Berry, and Tara Block

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Try something new today.

Unsplash / cathrynlavery

Make a to-do list.

You’ll feel encouraged as you cross off items.

Unsplash / matthewlejune

Start exercising, and you'll feel like yourself.

Unsplash / fancycrave

Have a reward system, so you'll have something to look forward to.

Unsplash / kylejglenn

Get the hard stuff done first thing in the morning.

Once you’re done with the most challenging projects, you’ll be able to tackle the others with ease.

Unsplash / thepaintedsquare

Eat right.

Treating your body well will put you in a better place mentally.

Getty / Ghislain & Marie David de Lossy

Take a break to get some rest and recharge your mind.

Unsplash / cajugos

Focus on the positive instead of the negative, and you'll feel more inclined to start new projects and take risks.

Unsplash / nickmorrison

Find out what it'll take to get there.

When you set a goal for yourself, begin by doing some research, and you’ll be done with the first step.

Unsplash / vincefleming

Encourage others, and you'll automatically start seeing encouragement from them in return.

It’s a cycle of positivity!

Getty / Scott Olson

Read biographies of the people you look up to for inspiration.

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Reflect on the times when you worked hard and succeeded at your task.

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Remind yourself that it's better to try and fail or succeed than living with regrets.

Unsplash / vorosbenisop

Set your alarm clock to remind you when it's time to start on your task.

Unsplash / steve_j

Find something you truly enjoy, and do it.

Pick up a hobby or start a collection, and it’ll make you excited about life.

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Close your eyes, and visualize yourself reaching your goals.

Unsplash / srosinger3997

Take a walk outside, and let nature reset your mind.

Unsplash / bekahrussom

Get more sleep.

Sleep deprivation could be making you less motivated.

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Drink coffee for a quick jolt.

Getty / d3sign

Take a small step.

You don’t have to immediately immerse yourself in the project and see it until completion right away. Just make baby steps, and take it one day at a time.

Getty / Chris Ryan

Wake yourself up from your slump with a cold shower.

Getty / Fabio Formaggio / EyeEm

When doing a task you don't want to do, play energizing music to help you get through it.

Getty / 10'000 Hours

Prepare early so you're not in a rush.

When you’re late all the time or feel rushed, this may stress you out and kill your motivation.

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Push yourself.

Realize that getting things done means giving yourself a little push sometimes.

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Set a deadline for a task to spur you to get it done before the time is up.

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Doing too many things at once can overwhelm you, so drop the multitasking and focus on one thing at a time.

Unsplash / brucemars

Get a friend to join you to make whatever you're doing more enjoyable.

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Clean up your home or your workspace, and you'll feel like you can get more done in a decluttered environment.

Unsplash / bendavisual

Let go of your fears, and you may feel brave enough to take on challenging tasks.

Unsplash / thoughtcatalog

Do something you enjoy when you first get up.

Whether it be drinking hot chocolate while reading a chapter of a book you’re currently glued to or taking a hot shower, start your day off on a positive note.

Getty / PeopleImages

Share your goals with others.

Being public about your goals will give you a sense of accountability, which may make you more inclined to get going.

Getty / SrdjanPav

Fake it till you make it.

Act like you’re motivated, and it’ll become a reality in time.

Unsplash / tomking

Bring light into your room.

Open up your curtains. Let fresh air into your room by opening up windows if it’s not too cold and if it’s not polluted outside.

Unsplash / matheusferrero

Don't compare yourself with others or you'll get discouraged.

Compete against yourself.

Unsplash / Boxed Water Is Better

Have realistic expectations.

Know yourself and how far you can go.

Unsplash / mertguller

Stay excited.

Experiment and keep coming up with new tweaks so you won’t get bored.

Getty / mapodile

If you fail, pick yourself up and keep going.

Don’t let it derail you or cause you to lose confidence, which ends up affecting your motivation.

Unsplash / ana_tavares

Keep track with a journal.

If you track your progress, you’ll be able to see it, which will help motivate you to continue or try even harder.

Getty / Manuel Velasquez

Listen to motivational stories from audiobooks, TED Talks, documentaries, and more.

Unsplash / emmamatthews

Place motivational quotes around your home and workspace.

They can come in such forms as a sticky note on your memo board, a note taped to your mirror, or an inspiring quote on a coffee mug.

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It’ll help ground you and make you realize that you’re fortunate, so you should take the opportunity to make the most out of your life.

Unsplash / beccamchaffie

Dress to impress yourself.

You’ll feel like you can get more things done when you’re putting your best foot forward.

Unsplash / neonbrand

Write down a few things you're grateful for.

If you have a more positive mind-set, you’ll find yourself more motivated and looking forward to what’s in store for you.

Getty / PeopleImages

Give yourself a pep talk, and tell yourself that you are awesome.

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Drop the projects that you might not be totally committed to and focus on the ones you're really passionate about.

Getty / Tom Werner

Tell yourself that nothing worthwhile is ever easy.

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Know that only you have the power to create your dreams and generate motivation.

Getty / Emilija Manevska

Write down where you see yourself in five years, and stick that note in a visible place.

Getty / the_burtons

Turn it into a challenge with a time limit.

You can create your own or join an existing one. There are plenty of challenges that already exist out there, such as the NaNoWriMo, which challenges participants to complete a novel in a month.

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