California’s First COVID-19 Case From Community Spread Was From a Nail Salon, and That Matters

We know how much you’re probably missing your regular gel-manicure appointment at your favourite salon, but even if the nail salons in your state are scheduled to reopen soon, you may want to reconsider rushing back right away. On Thursday, California Governor Gavin Newsom stated in a news briefing that the first California case of coronavirus from community spread started in a nail salon.

Nail salons, as well as hair salons and other personal services, are considered high-risk businesses in spreading the virus due to the close contact they require. In California, this means that under the four-phase plan to reopen that Newsom has announced, nail salons will reopen much later during phrase three.

Some states like Georgia, Alaska, and Colorado have already made the decision to reopen salons, but if you’d rather be safe than sorry, consider practising social distancing a little longer. If you do urgently need to go to the nail salon for any reason, make sure you follow the precautionary measures mandated by your state, like wearing a face mask, making an appointment ahead of time, and keeping at least six feet between you and other people.

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