Australian Survivor: Shaun Hampson Awakes the Beast Within

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Former AFL player Shaun Hampson, also known as “The Horse”, is making a comeback on “Australian Survivor: Heroes Vs Villains” after competing on “Champions Vs Contenders“.

Known for his impressive challenge abilities, Hampson hopes to rely on his social game this time around. He’s hoping to avoid being seen as too much of a physical threat. It’s no easy feat to accomplish — at 6′ 7″, he’s a good head-and-shoulders taller than most of the other Castaways, and very hard to miss.

Reflecting on his previous loss, Hampson admit he was too relaxed and complacent during his time on the show.

In a press statement, he said: “You can’t leave an Idol in your bag for 14 days without looking at it.”

With his children and fiancée Megan Gale back home, Hampson recognises the high price of competing but is driven to make them proud and win the $500,000 prize.

As a returning player, Hampson is well-versed in the game’s tactics and isn’t afraid to play dirty if necessary. While he believes that “Heroes at their core are good people”, he knows that the game of “Survivor” is different and plans to play accordingly.

He stated before the season started, “I’m happy to be called a Hero, but I’m not going to play like one.”

Recently switched to the Villain tribe, it remains to be seen if Hampson will succumb to the dark side. Don’t miss out on the action and tune in to “Australian Survivor: Heroes vs Villains” on 10 and 10 Play on Demand.

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