The Bachelor Recap: Steph Gives Lessons on Gaslighting Told in 15 Tweets

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Another week, another bachie recap. This time, we’re promised even more D R A M A as another contestant says au revoir to the mansion.

The show starts off with the ladies in the mansion but is promptly interrupted by Jimmy operating a motorbike because clearly we must be reminded in every single episode that this man is multi-talented.

Jimmy introduces “Tiffany the motorcycle” to the girls and tells them how he purchased it five years ago and spruced her up. 

Note: Anyone who names their vehicles or motorbikes is already getting judged by me.

The women pretend to be fascinated by Tiffany, but we all know that they’re secretly jealous because she gets to touch Jimmy’s butt and they don’t.

Next thing you know, Jimmy’s sister and cousin show up to interrogate the girls and see who is the right fit for him.

In the meantime, Jimmy takes Lily out for a single date and to absolutely no one’s surprise, it’s at a beach.

As they feel each other up, I can’t help but wonder how it feels to be filmed during moments like this.

Later on, they talk about how they feel and Lily says something about no one ever taking her on a date like this, and yes, I’m sure they haven’t because they don’t have a production company setting it all up for them.

ANYWAY, that was great and all but I really just wanted to know what was going down at the mansion.

Jimbo’s sister and cousin have dinner with the girls and in comes the “honesty box”, which is exactly what you think it is.

Stephanie, who has it out for Holly, says the box should be titled “Holly Sux” because all the questions will be geared towards her.

Funnily enough, the first three questions were for Steph.

Then, in a totally unexpected, surprising,  no-one-ever-saw-it-coming moment, Steph revealed her hatred for pilots and how she never wants to see one again.

Sweetie, I think you’re on the wrong show.

Next up, the group is asked whether anyone puts on an act in front of Jimmy and the cameras.

Tatum, who is probably getting stitches RN for being a snitch, throws Holly under the bus and I’m pretty sure I could see steam come out of Holly’s ears at one point.

Then in a total badass, women supporting women move, Holly’s mates defend her and say she’s not a b****.

Steph and Tatum continue to argue that Holly is “fake” and seriously, these two women have taken a leaf out of “How to be Toxic 101” because the gaslighting was insane.

Holly ends up walking off and having a cry before Tahnee, Jimmy’s sister has a one-on-one chat with her.

Holly says it’s not her fault they don’t like her, but Tahnee, who is also a therapist, said she should try and be a bit more inclusive.

Shit-stirrer Stephanie was also having a one-on-one of her own, but with Jimmy’s cousin, Lisa.

But as soon as the conversation steered towards her hatred of pilots, Steph thought it would be a great idea to throw Brooke and Jay under the bus.

At this point, I’m turning red with rage because Steph is just … awful.

She says Jay doesn’t want to have kids and Brooke is codependent.

Later on, Jimmy approaches Tahnee and Lisa and asks for their feedback.

They raise their concerns about Holly and Steph and tell him what transpired during the night.

Jimmy is taken aback, he had no idea Steph was a bad person so the next day he invites her to the Bach Pad so they can have a word.

But before they get down to the nitty-gritty, it’s important to drink some STARBUCKS coffee. Did you get that? It’s STARBUCKS. The product placement was incredibly subtle.

Unfortunately, they didn’t allow us, the viewers to sit in on the conversation, so we’re immediately taken to the cocktail party.

Everyone was speculating what had gone down between Jimmy and Steph, but Sierah couldn’t give AF because she just cared about having a good time.

Fast forward, Steph doesn’t go home, and walks into the cocktail party looking fairly pleased with herself.

Jimmy arrives and pulls Holly aside for a chat and confronts her about what the girls said during the dinner party.

Just when I thought Holly was going to tell Jimmy about Steph calling her a C You Next Tuesday, I was disappointed when she basically admitted that she’s a bit mean and she’ll try and do better.

All of a sudden Tatum realises the lack of screen presence isn’t going to help her influencer career, how will she ever be able to sell hair vitamins!?

So she decided to stomp over to Jimmy and tell him she’s leaving.

Jimmy was taken aback because the women are dropping like flies at this point but says “cya!” because he couldn’t remember her name in the first place.

During the rose ceremony Stevie is sent home.

See you tomorrow!

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The End.

The next story, coming up!