Celebrity Children That Will Officially Make You Feel Old — From Carys Zeta Douglas to Suri Cruise

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We’re not sure how to break this shocking news to you but Suri Cruise, genetically-blessed daughter of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise, just turned 15.

And, in the same week, Carys Zeta Douglas, daughter of actress Catherine Zeta-Jones and actor Michael Douglas, celebrated her 18th birthday — yep, celebrity offspring can now legally drive?

We’re pretty sure this means — officially — that we’re old.

Baby and toddler photos of Suri used to be plastered across magazines at the hairdressers and dentist’s office, and now lookalike mum Holmes is commemorating her 15th birthday with a series of sweet Instagram pics.

It’s actually a pretty big deal, as the actress has been notoriously private in regards to her daughter over the years.

Catherine Zeta-Jones’ latest Instagram also had us pondering the passage of time (and checking for greys), as she put up three pictures of Carys to celebrate her daughter’s milestone birthday.

One picture was a throwback of the two of them, followed by a striking poolside shot of Carys, and rounding up the post was a sweet snippet of a text message conversation between the two.

Here are six more celebrity kids that are all grown up now — or at least, part of the way there.

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