Everything You Need to Know About New Love Island Australia Babe Hugh

love island australia hugh tinder
Instagram / @hughyates_

Another day, another Love Island Australia hottie to get to know. Tonight, we’re going to meet Hugh, a 24-year-old carpenter from Sydney’s Northern Beaches.

Tonight, we’ll see Hugh jump on Tinder to get a sneak peek at all the Islanders and work out who he wants to go on a date with.

In fact, it was Hugh’s Tinder that got him on the show to begin with. Hugh’s the second Love Island Australia Islander to be recruited through the dating app since Tinder became the official casting partner of the show earlier this year.


In a Q&A with Tinder, Hugh gave us the scoop on his Love Island Australia journey and why he’s going to be a “breath of fresh air” for the show.

Having not been in a relationship for a few years, Hugh said that he now feels ready to settle down, and was attracted to the show for its “unique way to find love”.

Describing himself as “pretty carefree”, Hugh said that he tries to “avoid drama at all costs” in his regular life, but he’s not ruling it out for his time in the villa.

“Considering that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, I’m not going to hold back trying to get what I want,” he said. “If that means I have to create a bit of carnage I’ll try to do so with some respect.”

As for who he’s got his eye on, Hugh said that while “all the girls are attractive in their own way” it’s Tina he’s most drawn to, because she “seems to be the most easy going and fun”.

Hugh describes himself as “a pretty typical Aussie battler that loves having a laugh and spinning a yarn or two”, and he’s hoping that will work to his advantage.

“I don’t take myself too seriously and can be a little bit cheeky so hopefully that’ll help me win someone over,” he said.

A self-described “mama’s boy at heart”, Hugh said that his mum would probably describe him as “warm and fuzzy”. On the other hand, his dad and brothers would probably describe him as “a bit clueless and clumsy”, but Hugh says that they “can always have a good laugh together”.

“I’ve got some pretty intelligent mates that work in those weird, important corporate fields,” Hugh said. “They’d probably stitch me up and say I’m a couple sandwiches short of a picnic.”

Hugh wouldn’t trade his job as a carpenter for one of those weird corporate gigs, though. He said that being a carpenter is “a pretty simple but enjoyable gig” and that he works “with some top blokes”.

“It keeps me active and gives me plenty of vitamin D. What’s not to love?” he added.

Finally, Hugh gave us a fun fact about himself that we’re sure you’ll be looking out for tonight: his “seriously long nipples”.

“They’re long enough that I’ve been able to hang a bunch of things off them such as coat hangers and disks,” he shared. “Let’s hope they’re a hit in the villa!”

Watch Love Island Australia on Channel 9 and 9Now.

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