“MAFS” 2024 Recap: Sara’s Cheating Scandal Unravels With Wild Allegations


We can all agree that we hate being left on a cliffhanger, right? Especially when it comes to “MAFS” drama. Well, last night, we finally got the scoop on what’s been eating away at Eden. Turns out, Sara’s been sneaking around with her ex-boyfriend behind Tim’s back. And tonight, oh boy, brace yourselves for the explosive aftermath of this alleged cheating scandal.

After that intense couples’ retreat in Byron Bay, everyone’s back at their apartments gearing up for the next big dinner party. Sara and Tim? They’re all lovey-dovey after the retreat, but little do they know, Eden’s holding onto some serious dirt about Sara’s secret meet-up.

Let’s dive into this “MAFS” recap and unpack the whole drama.

Related: “MAFS” 2024 Recap: Bride’s “Cheating” Antics Exposed

Eden and Jayden Call Out Sara

Let’s set the scene at the dinner table: Sara is beaming as she proudly announces that her relationship with Tim is back on track. But amidst the cheers, Eden’s mind is racing with the knowledge of Sara’s secret rendezvous. Jayden senses the tension and checks in on Eden, and together, they decide to confront Sara and Tim.

Eden doesn’t waste any time. She lays it all out for Sara, telling her that Jayden caught wind of Sara’s messages to her ex. Now, Eden is giving Sara the chance to come clean to Tim. If she doesn’t, Eden and Jayden will do it for her.

“I’m not willing to protect you over losing Jayden,” Eden tells Sara. “So I’m gonna give you the opportunity to tell Tim what you did last weekend, otherwise we will do it.”


Sara is caught off guard. She tries to downplay the situation, and brush it off as a harmless encounter. She’s adamant that it “wasn’t a date”, but Eden and Jayden aren’t buying it.

They hold Sara accountable for her actions, and are quick to point out the suspicious details that suggest more than just a chance run-in with her ex. They literally have the receipts to prove it. C’mon, show us the text messages!

Poor Tim is totally blindsided by it all. His face says it all as Sara tries to downplay the whole thing. As Tim processes the bombshell, Sara’s explanations only seem to dig her deeper into a hole of deceit. His trust shaken, Tim walks away, and Sara is at a loss for words.


Sara Vs the Group

Eden fills in the rest of the gang on what’s going down, which sparks a fiery debate about trust and honesty. Sara is scrambling to defend herself, but let’s be real, the evidence ain’t looking good.

But Sara, oh Sara, she’s got a story for every question thrown her way. She’s scrambling to defend herself and justify why she didn’t tell Tim about her rendezvous.

“Tim has had issues with his ex cheating on him, and I don’t want him to think anything of it,” Sara tells the group. But let’s be real, are you buying it? We’re not, and neither is the rest of the group.


Tensions flare as they call out Sara’s excuses, and the pressure is on. Still, Sara’s not backing down, no sir. She stands her ground, denying any wrongdoing and pointing the finger at Tim’s insecurities.

Soon enough, Tim’s had enough. He confronts Sara, accusations fly, and we’re back on the rollercoaster of emotions that is “MAFS”. Tim flat out calls her a liar, and points out that she hasn’t even bothered to check in on him or offer any kind of apology.

Sara’s desperate attempts to salvage her reputation only make things worse. With every excuse she throws out, trust in her dwindles even further.

Sara’s Web of Lies Called Out

Then, Stephen drops a bombshell question: “Did you hook up with your ex a month before this whole experiment started?”

Sara hesitates for a beat, but reluctantly admits to it. But that’s not all. When pressed about her ex’s relationship status, Sara first claims he’s been in a long-term relationship for six years. But, oops! She soon slips up and reveals they actually got busy right after he ended his relationship. But, the truth? Her ex was actually in a relationship when they slept together.

The whole gang’s calling out Sara’s ever-changing stories, questioning her morals and ethics. Jayden even chimes in, pointing out that cheating isn’t just about physical actions. Sara feels backed into a corner, and she’s in full defence mode.

Sara Loses It


“I have never ever cheated on a partner and I can f**king attest to that,” she yells. “You guys are questioning my morals and my character but how many of you at this f**king table have cheated on a partner? Raise your f**king hand.” 

Finally, Sara’s had enough. She storms off, demanding to leave the table solo. Tim’s left feeling defeated, and wonders if he’ll ever be able to trust Sara again.

“I really tried. I’ve been open-minded, compassionate, and patient because I really do like her,” Tim admits. “But if Sara actually respected me, if she had any remorse at all, she would have come to me and apologised. But she didn’t; she just left. My emotions don’t matter to Sara.”

For more drama, check out all our “MAFS” 2024 recaps here.

“MAFS” airs Sunday at 7.00pm and Monday  Wednesday at 7.30pm on Channel 9 and 9Now.

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