When Is “The Amazing Race: Celebrity Edition” Finale? The Facts

When is The Amazing Race finale?

Network 10

“The Amazing Race: Celebrity Edition” has been an amazing race, full of celebrities. Who would have thought?

On this season of “The Amazing Race“, 10 teams, each with a celeb captain, have skedaddled around some of our planet’s most interesting regions and locations. Grant Denyer rushed across New Delhi, India. Meanwhile, George Mladenov dived into the depths of Langkawi, Malaysia.

According to Beau Ryan, he was stoked with how this series shaped up.

“We throw in 10 celebrity teams into some of the most hostile environments in the world,” Beau told “The Latch“. “People who are living the good life — entitled, living the fast life, having fun with all their luxuries — have just been stripped bare and had cameras in their faces for over a month, and what you get is gold.”

“I didn’t realise they’d be that invested, but they are. People just really find another level to try and win.”

However, all good things must come to attend. And “The Amazing Race: Celebrity Edition” is no exception. 

So, when is The Amazing Race’s 2023 finale? Let’s unpack the facts.

When Is the 2023 Finale?

“The Amazing Race” will air its 2023 semi-final at 7.30pm on Wednesday, November 8. Then, “The Amazing Race” finale will air the next night, at 7.30pm on Thursday, November 9. Both these episodes will be available to devour on Network 10 and the 10 Play app. 

“In the grand finale, our teams battle to recreate an intricate dessert, navigate a maze-like bookstore, and then recall past destinations, all leading to a pit stop finish like never before,” Network 10 teased.

Get hyped.

This article was originally published on The Latch. Click here to read the original.

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