Every Bathroom Room Reveal from The Block: Tree Change

Channel 9

The Block: Tree Change has well and truly kicked off, and we’re finally getting to the room reveals.

After the House Decider challenge last week, the teams were tasked with renovating the bathrooms, and they definitely delivered.

Contestants Ankur and Sharon, Sarah-Jane and Tom, Dylan and Jenny, Omar and Osman and Rachel and Ryan spent the week bringing their vision to life, and on tonight’s episode, judges Shaynna Blaze, Neale Whitaker and Darren Palmer decided which team did the best job.

To recap, the three judges loved three of the five bathrooms.

Ankur and Sharon’s and Rachel and Ryan’s bathrooms, however, didn’t impress them the way that they had hoped, saying it felt very theatrical. 

In the end, it was Omar and Oz who were crowned the winner of the challenge.

The pair took home $10,000 from Ford, and a $250,000 kitchen upgrade from Winning Appliances.

So, without further ado, here are the bathroom reveals from this week.

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