Is This Aussie Musician Behind the Tiny Costume on “The Masked Singer”?

the masked singer tiny
Network 10

A brand-new season of “The Masked Singer” has well and truly kicked off, and fans are already buzzing with excitement about who is hiding underneath the mysterious Tiny costume. With two celebrities unmasked so far, the spotlight is now on this enigmatic character.

Ever since the show returned, we’ve all been following clues, dissecting riddles, and tracking down these hidden celebrities. Now, fans are buzzing with guesses about who might be rocking the Tiny costume. And you know what? Some of these guesses are so spot-on, they might just win you a round of applause.

Let’s delve into what we know about the little furry monster.

Who Is Tiny?

While the identity behind the Tiny costume remains concealed, we have been provided with a few intriguing clues to ponder.

The primary clue we have for Tiny is that they may be a “celebrity super dad”. In their introductory package, Tiny showcased mathematical prowess with algebra equations scrolling across the screen.

Here’s what Tiny had to say in the intro package:

“Hi, I’m Tiny, and nothing much scares me. I think we all know that’s true. Sorry, forgive my speed, I’m not as fast as I used to be. So let me tell you about myself. As a monster, I’m top of the class, one step ahead! Okay, we’re all caught up now. Here ye, here ye, let my voice be heard all over the world. You know, there’s a lot of opportunities as a monster. It’s actually very difficult choosing what to do. Do you really need to know more about me? Or is it ‘fin’? That means the end.”

Is Tiny Pete Murray?

Based on the distinct voice emanating from the Tiny costume, many fans have speculated that it could be none other than Aussie musician Pete Murray. The clues seem to align perfectly with this theory, as Pete is indeed a celebrity dad, being the father of three children. Additionally, the reference to being “top of the class” meshes nicely with Pete’s song “Class A”.

Fans are becoming increasingly convinced that they’ve cracked the code, with one user confidently stating on Instagram, “It’s Pete Murray! It’s so obvious I really don’t know how none of them guessed it”.

“The Masked Singer” continues Monday at 7:30pm. Catch all the fun, surprises and performances on 10 and 10 Play on Demand. Miss an episode? Watch it when you want on 10 Play.

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