Dress for Dignity: A New Online Store Has Launched to Support Women Experiencing Poverty

Women’s charity, Share the Dignity, have just launched Australia’s first 100% charitable pre-loved online fashion store, to help support women and girls living under the poverty line, as well as promote sustainable fashion choices.

According to the Australia Poverty Report, 3.24 million people in Australia (close to 14% of the entire population) are estimated to live below the poverty line. Of these, 59.4 percent are women, and 34.4 percent are children under 17.

Additionally, last year the Australian government reported that Australia generates and sends a shocking 800,000 tonnes of textiles waste to landfill, each year.

Adding these two harsh realities together, Share the Dignity has found a solution: Dress for Dignity, an online store, developed as a way to assist with creating a more sustainable circular fashion economy in Australia providing an online marketplace for people to list it, give it, sell it or buy it.

It works like this:

To reach their goal of $1 million by 30 June 2022, Dress for Dignity needs 50,000 women to upload a dress or fashion item and sell it for $20 or more, to another 50,000 shoppers. It’s all about women supporting women, contributing to a circular economy and shopping with impact.

Sound simple, but impactful? That’s because it is.

Dress for Dignity is a new world for online shopping, allowing communities to unite together and sell their pre-loved, quality fashion items with 100% of sales proceeds donated directly to Share the Dignity charity. By donating your pre-loved fashion items or shopping at Dress for Dignity, not only are you shopping for purpose, but for impact.

“The idea for Dress for Dignity came out of COVID, when all the charity stores had to shut and no one had a place to donate their preloved clothes,” says Share the Dignity managing director, Rochelle Courtenay.

“The concept of Dress for Dignity is for those who have loved a fashion item, it’s still in great condition but they would love to add something new to their wardrobe, so they list the fashion item on Dress for Dignity, knowing that the sale proceeds will help a woman in need.”

“We also hope that same woman buys her next fashion item for her wardrobe from the website too.”

How to Get Involved

If you’re into contributing to a future of sustainable fashion, as well as support women living below the poverty line, follow these simple steps to take part in Dress for Dignity:

  1. Sign up for Dress for Dignity here.
  2. Find a preloved item of clothing in your wardrobe, that is still in near-perfect condition.
  3. Enlist your item of clothing on the Dress for Dignity website, for $20 or more.
  4. Sell your item. 100% of the proceed will go to Share the Dignity, for women and children in need.
  5. Shop away! Everything dollar you spend will go straight to Share the Dignity.
  6. Share your experience on social media and spread the word. The more buyers and sellers on Dress for Dignity, the more money raised for women and children suffering under the poverty line.

Find more information here.

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