I’m Shocked That This 5-Minute Ab Workout Made Me Feel Stronger After Just 2 Weeks

While looking through YouTube I found this five-minute ab workout from, soon-to-be NASM-certified personal trainer (November 2021), Jibby of Studio Jibby. I was drawn to the fact that it didn’t require much of a commitment – just five minutes a day.

For maximum results, she said to combine this with a healthy diet and moving your body daily for two weeks. Challenge accepted! Here’s what happened by the end of the 14 days.

The Five-Minute Ab Workout

This five-minute ab workout consists of the 10 bodyweight exercises listed below. Performing each exercise for 30 seconds with no rest between moves:

  1. Plank to dolphin
  2. Alternating side plank
  3. Plank roll
  4. High plank to mountain climber
  5. Leg raise clap
  6. Penguin
  7. Starfish crunch
  8. Side plank (right side)
  9. Side plank (left side)
  10. Leg raise circle

What I Liked About This Five-Minute Workout

This nonstop bodyweight workout is just five-minutes long, so I knew wherever I was, at any time of day, I could do this quick workout. I liked that she counted down the 30-second intervals for me, so I could just follow along like playing Simon Says.

Gibby explained in detail how to do each exercise effectively, and her positive tone was very motivating. I also liked that she told us what move was coming next towards the end of the previous move. There was a variety of ab moves like elbow planks, side planks, leg lifts, and crunches, so I felt all parts of my core working.

Having no rest between exercise was so effective because it really helped gradually build that burning-ab sensation. I was surprised that by the time I got to the fifth move (the leg raise clap), I thought I was going to need a break because my lower abs were quivering so much.

What Happened in the First Week of Doing This Five-Minute Ab Workout?

Even though these moves are pretty basic, they are so effective. Even though I’m used to working my core, the first few times I did this workout I had to stop towards the end because my abs were really feeling it (I’m looking at you leg raise clap and starfish crunch!).

By the end of the week, I was already getting stronger, and was able to complete the entire five minutes without stopping. I felt accomplished after completing it each day. Afterward, I often felt inspired to do a little more movement, like grab some dumbbells or go for a walk.

What Happened in the Second Week of Doing This Five-Minute Ab Workout?

By the second week, I memorised the workout. It felt great to do after my morning rowing workout, as a break during the day, or to do it while watching Netflix at night. I even got my husband to do it with me!

I loved how strong and confident I felt by the end of the two weeks. It made me realise that I don’t need to spend a ton of time working out – even five minutes of work can make a difference in strengthening my muscles and lifting my mood.

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