Mario Has No Ass In the Super Mario Bros. Movie Poster and the Memes Are Peachy

A closeup of Mario's butt in the Mario movie poster with a tweet from @anyapluscats that reads:
Nintendo / Twitter @anyapluscats

The first poster for the Super Mario Bros. movie has been released, and 90% of it looks spectacular. Toad Town sits at the base of a mountain that’s covered in pipes and mushrooms; colourful floating blocks dot the landscape, connected to the mountain with little platforms that look like they’re perfectly spaced for jumping; and Peach’s Castle sits atop the mountain surrounded by floating waterfalls. It’s pretty as heck.

But then the other 10% is missing, because Mario’s whole ass has been stolen by the Grinch of Nintendo past.

A close up of Mario's flat ass in the Super Mario Bros. movie poster.

The poster was dropped along with an announcement about a special Nintendo Direct for the movie. The first trailer will air during the presentation, and while we’re undoubtedly excited for our first proper look at the movie, most of the reactions online have been focused on Mario’s non-existent ass.

Not in a sexual or even a shitposting way — the Mario lore has well established that the man himself has a plump butt. The people are simply crying out for that which they’ve lost.

Here’s hoping this extremely justified outcry is a wake up call for Nintendo. There’s still time to give Mario some junk in his trunk before the movie comes out next year, just like Sega and Universal redesigned Sonic after his deeply cursed trailer debut.

But until then, let’s laugh at all the memes about Mario’s flat ass, because it’s not often (never) that gamers criticising their favourite character’s body is so strangely wholesome.

The Best Memes About Mario’s Ass In the Super Mario Bros. Movie Poster

You can watch the trailer during the Nintendo Direct this Friday, October 7 — find out when it premiers across Australia here.

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