Where to Shop the Best Crystal Dildos For All of Your Sexual Wellness Needs

Etsy / Yonigasm

Crystals are pretty special stones. Apart from looking magical (and aesthetically pleasing when sitting in your bedroom or desk!), crystals are also said to have healing qualities, so the popularity of these stones isn’t surprising. Each crystal has its own healing energy and can be used for a myriad of ailments.

According to Healthline, crystals are “thought to promote the flow of good energy and help rid the body and mind of negative energy for physical and emotional benefits”. As a result, people use crystals for a number of reasons including putting a pep in their step or changing their mood.

Another use crystals have is in the form of dildos. Crystal dildos (or pleasure wands, as they are also known) are a modern take on sex toys and use the healing powers of crystals for sexual pleasure. Unlike other sexual pleasure devices that are made from silicone or plastic, these dildos are made solely from crystal, which makes them 100 percent natural.

If you’re on the hunt for your very own crystal dildo, here are some to shop in Australia:

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