This Weekend’s Blue Moon Will Shine a Positive Light on Your Relationships

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There’s a reason why the saying “once in a Blue Moon” is the way it is, given the rarity of said event, but did you know that there are actually two different types of Blue Moons? The monthly Blue Moon and the seasonal Blue Moon. And we’re about to experience one on Sunday, August 22.

The monthly Blue Moon refers to the second full moon to occur in a calendar month, while the seasonal Blue Moon, according to Australian Geographic, “is the third full moon to occur in an astronomical season with four full moons, where an astronomical season is bound by the equinoxes and solstices“.

The full moon set to take place on August 22 is a seasonal Blue Moon, so it’s the third of four full moons between the June Solstice and the September Equinox. Despite the name, the moon won’t actually look blue this coming weekend. According to NASA, it’s thought that the name refers to when dust in the atmosphere makes the moon appear blue.

As with last month’s full moon, this one is also taking place in Aquarius, with the sun in Leo, so, given the nature of these two signs, don’t be surprised if you’re feeling a little push and pull between independence and working as part of a team.

The Leo sun values individualism while the Aquarius energy puts an emphasis on team spirit, so do your best to strike a balance in the lead-up to the weekend. You might also feel the need to give back and do something for your community, which might be tough if you’re in lockdown, but consider joining your local community Facebook page or seeing what is going in your local newspaper and where you can get involved.

Take this chance to pause and look back at the manifestations you wrote down just two weeks ago at the new moon and see if there is anything you can do to further these goals. Use the energy of the full moon to push yourself forward and take action where possible.

“When a full moon occurs, we can suddenly burst forth with proclamations and outpours that seem fresh and new, simply because they are not yet rationalised,” says Cafe Astrology. “In fact, a full moon illuminates feelings, attitudes, and circumstances that are already in existence.”

This full moon will also align with the planet Jupiter, so the energy surrounding it relates to personal, material and spiritual growth. According to Astrology King, the Moon coupled with Jupiter is a sign of happiness and success and has a particularly positive influence on relationships.

Those who are single may experience an exciting connection this weekend, while those in relationships might find greater commitment with their person. Shine this light on your relationship sector and good things should abound. Good luck!

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