Your April 24 Weekly Horoscope Could Bring Radical and Unexpected Changes

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Take a breath, own your truth, and allow yourself to unravel. Your April 24 weekly horoscope continues to shed light on the collective healing process, which can feel like an unstoppable wave of energy, clearing what no longer aligns with your highest vibration. And though it’s not easy to surrender to the emotional highs and lows that may come with this breakthrough, you’ve already come this far . . . so just keep swimming.

Considering the intensity of the current astro-weather, it’s no wonder we’re so deep into the rabbit hole of our feelings, perhaps even more than we’re comfortable admitting. After all, it’s not every day Jupiter conjuncts Neptune in Pisces — but every 166 years, to be exact.

If you’ve been feeling blue, fatigued, or weepy for no reason at all, make sure you’re being gentle with yourself. Pisces is a mutable water sign, with emotional depth and boundless empathy. And with so many planets in Pisces right now — including both its co-rulers Jupiter and Neptune — we’re more prone to absorbing external energies. This is precisely why it’s so crucial to stay grounded. Even more importantly, the cosmos is encouraging us to allow these repressed feelings to resurface, so we can make peace with past wounds in the process. With Venus being such a key player these days, themes surrounding relationships, spending habits, money-making abilities, and general sense of security are more likely to be top of mind.

On a brighter note, the sun in Taurus is helping us stabilise what matters most, whether personally or professionally. This doesn’t mean we’re out of the woods just yet; rather, the tension will begin to soften over time. Venus will be joining forces with Neptune in Pisces on April 27, which continues to nourish our heart chakra while dissolving old patterns that no longer align with our spiritual journey. Be sure to keep an open mind. You never know, this could be a catalyst for your creativity or the divine ascension occurring within a particular relationship. Either way, it’s raising your vibration, so unblock yourself and release the fear. Celebrate and honour how much you’ve evolved in this lifetime, especially when it comes to Venusian themes.

On April 29, Pluto will station retrograde at 28 degrees Capricorn, where it will remain before going direct on Oct. 8. Also known as the planet of death, regeneration, and transformation, Pluto’s backspin presents an opportunity to dig beneath the surface and examine the darker parts of your psyche. Pluto retrograde will also shed light on outdated belief systems, power dynamics, and the structural changes occurring in the world at large. The following day (April 29) marks the second eclipse activating the Taurus-Scorpio axis, an eclipse series that began in November 2021. Conjunct Uranus in Taurus, this new moon solar eclipse will usher in changes that are equally as radical as they are unexpected.

If you’re wondering what this week has in store for you, read on for your weekly horoscope for April 24 through April 30, according to your zodiac sign and your rising sign. For a look at the whole month, check out your April horoscope, and for a greater look at your year overall, read your 2022 horoscope.

Aries (March 21-April 19) Weekly Horoscope For April 24, 2022

The more you’re willing to surrender, the more you will receive in the long run, Aries. Themes surrounding transactions, outdated attachments, power plays, and collaborations where there isn’t an equal amount of give and take are being brought to the forefront at this time. With so many planetary energies in Pisces — including your planetary ruler, Mars — igniting your 12th house of closure, dreams, and unconscious patterns, you’re more prone to experiencing profound revelations right now.

Venus rules your second house of comfort, finances, and stability, along with your committed seventh house of agreements and significant others. While alongside Jupiter and Neptune, Venus will continue to dissolve and shed light on what needs to be healed, especially if you’ve been making sacrifices for the sake of your comfort, and/or a significant other. Between now and October, there will be more brought to light with Pluto stationing retrograde, but its trine to Mercury on April 28 will likely serve as a prelude. More importantly, the new moon solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30 will conjunct rebel Uranus, so expect surprising developments, eccentric avenues of income, and a new perspective on stability.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Weekly Horoscope For April 24, 2022

Do what you do best, Taurus: Stop and smell the roses. (Easier said than done when you’re in the middle of eclipse season, but that’s the goal.) The good news is, your harmony-seeking planetary ruler, Venus, is thriving in your 11th house of associations, friendships, and individual freedom. Do you feel at home in your community? Are you feeling inspired by their positive influence, or energetically drained by the friendships you’ve outgrown? Your visions of the future are unique, so don’t force them to fall in line. Your perception of others is shifting, as is your perception of yourself.

Nothing is supposed to stay the same but, by that same token, you’re being called to honour your individual desires, both when it comes to your future aspirations as well as your divine mission on the planet. When Venus conjuncts Neptune on April 27, it may feel equally as surreal as it is enlightening. The key is to acknowledge your progress and honour your place in the community. Pluto (celestial ruler of your committed relationship sector) will station retrograde the following day, which means you’ll be challenged to revisit themes surrounding the shadow side of your belief systems and worldly ventures between now and October. If you’re stressing this week’s solar eclipse in your sign, have no fear. You’ve been preparing for this since November 2021. Keep your heart and mind open to the changes ahead.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Weekly Horoscope For April 24, 2022

Your idea of success is shifting dramatically, and it’s for your highest good, Gemini. Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune are currently conjugating in Pisces, healing, enlightening, and dissolving the blocks and boundaries you’ve subconsciously created with regards to your achievements, and reputation in the world, but there’s more. Venus is symbolic of relationships, talents, and value systems, so if you’re not being called to nurture your relationship with a feminine authority figure, then this is a reminder to pat yourself on the back and celebrate your achievements more often. All of your sacrifices haven’t gone unnoticed by the universe, so give yourself permission to feel inspired again.

On April 28, your celestial ruler, Mercury, will meet with Pluto in your intimate eighth house of collaborations, which could, in turn, shed light on an employer and/or significant other’s hidden agenda. Deception, illusions, and manipulative tactics in the workplace are also likely to be discovered at this time. Ironically enough, your planetary ruler, Mercury, will return to your sign on April 29 — where it thrives and gathers the facts – just in time for Pluto retrograde, as it will backspin through Capricorn and your eighth house of collaborations until October. Last but certainly not least, this week’s solar eclipse in Taurus will touch down on your 12th house of dreams and unconscious patterns, where it will conjunct freedom-loving Uranus in the process. It’s time to set yourself free and tend to your spiritual growth.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Weekly Horoscope For April 24, 2022

They say you learn something new every day, and you’re beginning to see this firsthand, Cancer. With Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune glimmering through Pisces, and your exotic ninth house of adventure and higher learning, the cosmos is presenting you with a brand new perspective. Remember: without risk, there is no reward. If there’s a specific illusion appearing in your personal goals or life philosophy, the cosmos is making sure to bring it to your attention now.

Venus will conjunct Neptune on April 27, bringing forth the opportunity to indulge in your ideals and hopes for the future. Beyond that, you’re being encouraged to step outside your comfort zone and explore unique avenues of inspiration, whether personally or professionally. The following day, Mercury enters Gemini — your 12th house of closure, dreams, and hidden agendas — which can be equally enlightening as it is inhibiting. Take some time to retreat and check in with yourself. Pluto will also station retrograde in your relationship sector, followed by this week’s new moon solar eclipse on April 30. Maybe it’s a new business venture or friendly collaboration in the works; whatever the case, this solar eclipse will conjunct spontaneous Uranus, and continue to usher in unexpected change. Don’t attach yourself to a specific outcome and/or public persona. The more open you are, the more you will thrive.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Weekly Horoscope For April 24, 2022

If you’ve been struggling with vulnerability or feeling inhibited with a significant other, it’s important to know that your healing is a work in progress, Leo. This is especially true when considering the effects of Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune in Pisces, as they’re currently conjugating in your intimate eighth house of soul-to-soul connections. Is there reciprocity in your current collaborations? Whether it be personally, professionally, or romantically speaking, this celestial synergy is presenting you with the opportunity to nurture your intimate unions or break free from toxic entanglements.

If you’re already romantically attached, be sure to harness this week’s Venus-Neptune conjunction on April 27, as it will not only help you dissolve the barriers you’ve unconsciously built around your heart, but also enrich you with compassion and empathy, both for yourself and your significant other. On April 29, Mercury will return to its sign of rulership, Gemini, bringing clarity and movement to themes surrounding your future visions and sense of belonging in the world. Then, there’s the start of Pluto retrograde. Between now and October, this journey will challenge you to revisit and reflect on the shadow aspects hidden in your day-to-day lifestyle and health habits. Speaking of routines, the new moon solar eclipse will shake up your bossy 10th house of authority and reputation, where it will also conjunct erratic Uranus in the process. Are you ready to commit to your divine mission on the planet?

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Weekly Horoscope For April 24, 2022

Call in your divine counterpart with clarity, compassion, and peace of mind, Virgo. After all, it’s not everyday that Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune simultaneously transit through Pisces and your harmony-seeking seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others. More importantly, since Pisces’ corulers (Jupiter and Neptune) joined forces on April 12, the cosmos is urging you to look at the bigger picture of a particular connection, especially those that aren’t aligned with your unique vibration. On April 28, your planetary ruler, Mercury, will harmonise with powerhouse Pluto, bringing powerful revelations and insight with regards to your passions and heart’s desires.

If you’re ready to take the lead in your professional life, Mercury’s shift into its sign of rulership, Gemini (your 10th house of authority and reputation) is ideal for problem-solving and general communication — at least before it stations retrograde. Speaking of retrograde, Pluto will begin its backspin through Capricorn on April 29, where it will likely challenge you to go inward and revisit the shadow side of your approach to love, romance, and recognition. Are you on an authentic frequency? Perhaps it’s time to explore other horizons, especially with a new moon solar eclipse touching down on your ninth house of adventure, higher learning, and unknown territory on April 30. The possibilities are endless, literally.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Weekly Horoscope For April 24, 2022

Self-love is the best love, and your daily rituals are sacred, Libra. Your day-to-day routine and lifestyle habits are being brought to the forefront at this time, especially with your planetary ruler, Venus, lucky Jupiter, Mars, and Neptune glimmering through Pisces and your responsible sixth house of health and routine. Subconscious patterns revolving around your productivity and general well being are highlighted, but more importantly, the magical synergy stemming from Pisces’ co-rulers (Jupiter and Neptune) is helping you heal and wash away what’s no longer benefiting you. Maybe it’s a tedious work schedule that’s burning you out, or eating habits leaving you feeling fatigued. Be present, and remain open to the divine messages.

The relationship you have with yourself will be a prominent theme this week, and Mercury’s trine to Pluto on April 28 could potentially bring forth the enlightenment you’ve been seeking. The following day, Pluto will station retrograde in Capricorn in your fourth house of home, family, and emotional foundations, challenging you to go inward and take your power back. That’s not all: The new moon solar eclipse on April 30 will touch down in Taurus and your intimate eighth house of mergers and shared resources. Your soul-searching journey begins now.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Weekly Horoscope For April 24, 2022

Your muse is coming back around to greet you, Scorpio. Be it creatively, romantically, or with regards to children, you’re being called to nurture and embody your magical creations — so I hope you’re feeling inspired. With your traditional ruler, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune in Pisces, glimmering through your expressive fifth house of love, pleasure, and self-expression, the cosmos is here to bridge the gap between your soul’s truth and your heart’s desires. Now, given that Mercury (transiting through your relationship sector) will harmonise with your modern ruler, Pluto, on April 28, there could be a significant collaboration in the works — likely passionate or artistic. Either way, be sure to read the fine print before you commit.

Your modern ruler, Pluto, will station retrograde in Capricorn on April 29, where it will remain until October 2022. Now, during its backspin through your communication sector, the Lord of the Underworld will likely challenge you to reflect on the areas where you’ve felt powerless, namely when it comes to your ideas, perspective, or communication style. Mercury will also enter Gemini and your intimate eighth house of all things taboo, so conversations are bound to intensify. As if this weren’t enough reason to mentally prepare, the new moon solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30 will ignite your harmony-seeking seventh house of agreements, compromise, and significant others, and conjunct rebellious Uranus in the process. It’s time to break free from stagnant relationship patterns, and kick off a new beginning that feels secure.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Weekly Horoscope For April 24, 2022

Sounds like a cliche, but home is where your heart is these days, Sagittarius. It’s likely due to a combination of things, such as the fact that your planetary ruler, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Neptune in Pisces are all conjugating in your domestic fourth house of home and emotional foundations. That’ll definitely do the trick, but it goes beyond the desire to nest and snuggle in your favourite pyjamas. This celestial synergy is here to heal your family roots and expand your beliefs around the meaning of home. Mercury will harmonise with transformative Pluto on April 28, which could potentially bring forth significant insight surrounding your day-to-day lifestyle and sense of security, so keep your eyes peeled.

Speaking of the shadowy dwarf planet, Pluto will station retrograde in Capricorn on April 29, bringing you inward with regards to your comfort, possessions, spending habits, and value systems. There’s plenty to discover between now and October. That same day, Mercury will debut in Gemini in your committed seventh house of one-on-one relationships, so conversations should start to flow (unless it’s your notifications buzzing instead). Last but certainly not least, the new moon solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30 will ignite your responsible sixth house of daily rituals and health habits, which will catapult you into a whole new reality within the next six months.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Weekly Horoscope For April 24, 2022

Let your curiosities be your guide, Capricorn. What’s stopping you from following your intuition and surrendering to your inner knowing? You don’t always need the facts, and this is especially important to consider with Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune conjugating in Pisces and your intellectually driven third house of communication. Sounds cheesy, but faith goes a long way – and the same goes for the compassion you show your peers, neighbours, and siblings. On April 17, Venus (celestial ruler of your fifth house of passion and 10th house of authority) will conjunct numinous Neptune, which dissolves the barriers and boundaries you’ve unconsciously created when it comes to your interpersonal exchanges.

Before wrapping up in your fifth house of love and pleasure, Mercury will harmonise with transformative Pluto in your sign, which could potentially bring light to the foundation or connection you share with a love interest. Pay attention to what comes up for review; you don’t want to miss the subtle cues. Then, the new moon solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30 brings powerful and unexpected change to your fifth house of love, passion, and self-expression. Whether creatively, romantically, or in terms of children, expect interesting development in the next six months.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Weekly Horoscope For April 24, 2022

Change of plans, Aquarius. There will be no room for a lack mentality — not this week, not ever. Besides, it’s not every day that Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune join forces in Pisces in your stability-seeking second house of comfort, finances, and value systems. Boundless and serendipitous, this mystical synergy is here to heal and replenish your spirit, especially when it comes to beliefs around your stability, finances, and sense of self-worth. The good news is, this is Venus’ house of rulership and she will conjunct Neptune on April 27, which is nothing short of idealistic and hopeful. Be mindful of overindulging in unrealistic situations, whether financially and/or energetically speaking – other than that, this is quite a positive moment.

On April 28, Mercury (celestial ruler of your fifth house of passion and eighth house of intimacy) will harmonise with transformative Pluto. This could bring up important lessons around family or perhaps a wound you’ve been carrying in your subconscious, so focus on staying grounded and present. Mercury will enter Gemini and your fifth house of fun, passion, and romance on April 29. Flirtatious encounters and witty banter is almost inevitable now. After Pluto stations retrograde, there will be a new moon solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30, touching down on your fourth house of home and family matters. Your foundation and sense of security is about to be revolutionised for the better.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Weekly Horoscope For April 24, 2022

You’re a divine being with an endless fountain of love in your heart, Pisces. And though you’re likely well aware of your magical charms, the combination of Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune in your sign can feel equally as serendipitous as it is surreal. Glimmering through your mutable waters and your first house of self, it’s time to call your energy back and treat yourself with the same amount of love and compassion you give to everyone else. If you’ve been repressing your colourful attributes, the cosmos is encouraging you to embody your truth freely and unapologetically. The best part? On April 27, Venus will join forces with your numinous planetary ruler, Neptune, which, in turn adorns your daydreams and auric field with idealism, fantasy, and mysticism. Your energy right now is out of this world.

Before wrapping up in Taurus and your curious third house of communication, Mercury will harmonise with powerhouse Pluto in your 11th house of associations, community, and sense of belonging in the world. Be discerning with your exchanges and the personal information you share online. Others of you may receive an important message that brings revelations and profound enlightenment. Steer away from power plays and manipulative tactics. Pluto will station retrograde in your eclectic community sector on April 29, where it will likely challenge you to revisit the darker aspects of your social life, especially those that make you feel powerless. Fortunately, everything from your communication style to your perspective is bound to transform, as there will be a new moon solar eclipse in Taurus touching down on your third house of communication on April 30. Enjoy the mind-opening journey.

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