Seeking Thrills and $1 Million Dollars Cash? Apply for “The Summit” Season 2

The Summit Australia 2023 Winners, Brooke, Lulu and Isaac, with host Jai Courtney

Have you ever looked at a towering mountain peak and thought, “I wonder what it’s like up there?” Well, we personally haven’t, BUT if you have, we have news for you. Nine’s “The Summit” is coming back for a second season that promises to take your sense of adventure to new heights — literally! And we have all the details you need to know on how to apply for “The Summit” Season 2.

If you’ve got a taste for adrenaline, a hunger for thrills, and the burning desire to win a life-changing cash prize, then clear your schedule between November and December 2023, and get ready for the journey of a lifetime.

Related: Brooke, Lulu and Isaac Win “The Summit Australia” 2023

Picture this: you, a bunch of intriguing strangers, and a rugged wilderness that’s both beautiful and challenging. It’s like “Survivor” meets “The Amazing Race”, but with a twist. In the heart of New Zealand’s South Island, where the mountains touch the sky and the air is thick with excitement, you and your fellow contestants will embark on an epic adventure that could change your life forever.

You’ll brave wild weather, navigate treacherous terrain, and confront heart-pounding obstacles as you work together with your newfound companions to conquer the mountain and claim your share of the $1 million prize.

How to Apply for “The Summit”

Are you the kind of person who thrives under pressure? Do you have the charisma to lead, the wisdom to make tough decisions, and the guts to trust your instincts? Whether you’re an outdoor enthusiast, an adventure junkie, or simply someone who craves a taste of the extraordinary, “The Summit” could be for you.

Before you start dreaming of victory and riches, make sure you’ve got the basics covered:

  • You need to be at least 18 years old by January 1st, 2023
  • You need to be free between November and December 2023
  • Your passport should have a minimum of six months left before its expiration date to be considered

If you’ve got what it takes to survive, thrive, and come out on top, then apply now!

Want more The Summit goss? Check out the stories below:

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