Farmer Wants a Wife: Meet the Women Vying for Farmer Ben’s Heart

farmer wants a wife ben ladies 2022

Channel 7

The 2022 premiere of Farmer Wants a Wife is upon us, which means it’s time to meet the lucky ladies who may just end up living their best life, out on the farm with the love of their life.

Farmer Ben is one of the farmers hoping to meet his long-term love this season, and add to Farmer‘s already impressive track record of nine marriages, one long-term relationship and 20(!) children thus far.

Farmer Ben is an upfront kind of guy, who values “honesty, commitment and trust” highly.

Ben prides himself on wearing his heart on his sleeve, and says he brings “honesty, sincerity and lots of laughter” to his relationships. He’s a big fan of old-fashioned romance, and by joining Farmer Wants a Wife, he’s hoping to find a love that blossoms into a solid relationship that can live up to the example set for him by his parents and grandparents’ relationships.

“I have a big heart and give my absolute all,” Farmer Ben said in a press statement. “I’m not perfect but I’m always respectful, loving and affectionate.”

Related: Farmer Wants A Wife Is Bringing Romance to the Country: Here’s How to Watch

Related: Want to Go Full Cottagecore? Applications for Farmer Wants a Wife Are Now Open

When it comes to the woman of his dreams, Farmer Ben is looking for “a life-long best mate and lover, who is resilient to go through the highs and lows of life together and find the positives out of every situation”.

He continued: “Someone prepared to give and take, and to squeeze the best out of the life we build together. Someone who doesn’t mind getting dirty but still enjoys frocking up and showing off the beautiful woman that they are.”

She’d also be “caring, loving, honest, sincere and selfless”.

Farmer Ben is the only farmer to already have a child this season, a three-year-old daughter who he has shared custody of. 

“She is my world and I strive every day to be the best father I possibly can be for her,” he said.

As for having more kids in the future? He “definitely” wants more children, but the timing would be up for discussion with his future partner.

Five years from now, Farmer Ben is hoping to be “happily married to the love of [his] life”.

Of course, Farmer Ben’s not the only farmer on the look out for love this season.

The other farmers include Farmer Harry, 24, from Kyabram, VIC, Farmer Will, 26, from Berriwillock, VIC,  Farmer Benjamin, 33, from Guyra, NSW, and Farmer Paige — the show’s first female farmer — who’s 28 and from Cassilis, NSW.

Will Farmer Ben find The One this season on Farmer Wants a Wife? Only time will tell. Until then, let’s meet the women who will be vying for Farmer Ben’s affections.

Related: Farmer Wants a Wife: Is One of These Women the One for Farmer Will?

Related: Meet the Men Trying to Win Over Farmer Paige on ‘Farmer Wants a Wife’

Ash, 23, NSW

Channel 7

Ashlea, 32, VIC

Channel 7

Emily, 29, NSW

Channel 7

Janika, 29, NSW

Channel 7

Lauren, 24, VIC

Channel 7

Leish, 31, QLD

Channel 7

Lisa, 32, NSW

Channel 7

Maddison, 25, NSW

Channel 7

Renee, 29, NSW

Channel 7

Farmer Wants a Wife airs

Want more Farmer Wants a Wife? Read all our content here, and check out the stories below:

This article was originally published on The Latch. Click here to read the original.

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