Farmer Wants a Wife: Could Dylan Be the One for Farmer Paige?

dylan farmer wants a wife 2022

Channel 7

Farmer Wants a Wife is finally back, and we’re in full swing over here getting to know all the lucky ladies — and a few lucky men! — who are competing for the hearts of our farmers this season.

Farmer Paige is the very first female farmer that the show’s ever had, and she’s on the hunt for a hubby, but our other four farmers — Farmer Ben, Farmer Benjamin, Farmer Harry and Farmer Will — make up the rest of the cast who are looking for love.

Today, we’re getting to know Dylan, one of Farmer Paige’s potential loves. Dylan is a 29-year-old carpenter from Victoria, and he’s now “ready to find that someone special to share [his] time with”, per a press statement.

Could Farmer Paige be that special someone?

Related: Meet the Men Trying to Win Over Farmer Paige on ‘Farmer Wants a Wife’

Related: Will Farmer Paige Find Her Mr Right On Farmer Wants a Wife?

Dylan chose to apply for Farmer Wants a Wife because “Paige [seemed] to have similar morals and interests” to him.

He explained: “We both value honesty and she gives off a fun and positive vibe that I like to think I have as well.”

Dylan is hoping that the two of them will hit it off, and “she enjoys a bit of friendly banter”, as well.

When it comes to love and relationships, Dylan said that he “always thought [he] would find someone to love”, and now, he’s hoping it’s his time.

“I’ve been single for over two years,” he explained.

For Dylan, the way to his heart “would be a fishing trip in the tropics”, and if the ball was in his court to plan a romantic date, “it would be sunset looking over the water, in a quiet place with a charcuterie platter”.

Dylan said that in past relationships, he wasn’t always able to stand up for himself, and as a result of that, he was “walked all over”.

“I’ve definitely learnt from that,” he said.

Will Farmer Paige and Dylan form a love connection? There’s only one way to find out!

Farmer Wants a Wife airs at 7.00pm on Sundays, and 7.30pm on Mondays and Tuesdays, only on 7 and 7 Plus.

Want more Farmer Wants a Wife? Read all our content here, and check out the stories below:

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