A Pressing Question: Is Australian Survivor Still On Tonight?

is australian survivor blood vs water on tonight jlp

It’s been a wild season of Australian Survivor: Blood Vs Water so far, and we can’t get enough.

From the moment they announced that two-time winner and Queen of Survivor Sandra Diaz-Twine would be joining the show with her daughter Nina Twine, we were hooked, but this season has proved to be one of the wildest and most physically gruelling yet.

So far, we’ve watched as Nina was forced to exit the game after fracturing her ankle in a challenge, and we’ve also seen both Sam Gash and Shay Lajoie pass out from the intense heat during endurance challenges.

When we spoke to Sandra before the season premiered, she said that it was “by far the most brutal” season she’s ever played, noting that the heat in Charter Towers, this season’s filming location, was “so intense”.

“I could feel my arms burning, I could feel like, a sizzling of my skin,” she explained.

Even worse than the burning hot days, Sandra recalled, were the freezing cold nights, which she described as “the most brutal, cold nights” she’d ever experienced.

“It was just so intense. I think the weather, the extreme environment there was even worse than the challenges, and the challenges were no joke,” she said.

Of course, this is Survivor, and our Castaways have had something even more difficult to deal with this season than the climate: each other.

This season has been jam-packed with betrayals.

First, we watched Nina Twine vote out her own mother. Next, KJ Austin vote out her own sister, Sophie Cachia.

Most recently, we watched as Sam blindsided her Day Two ally, Jesse Hansen, and steal his Hidden Immunity Idol in the process.

We spoke to Jesse about this and asked him if he felt it was the biggest betrayal of the season.

“Oh, if it’s not, I don’t know what is!” he exclaimed with a laugh.

Jesse continued: “Nah, I think it was a pretty massive, massive and decisive moment in Sam’s game, where she was able to show to the people and to the public as well that she really is a game player.

For her to make that move and remove me from the game, it shows the effects of Blood Vs Water: Sam and Mark are playing as a team, and so were my brother and I, and that went Sam and Mark’s way, unfortunately. But yeah, it was a massive, massive move for Sammy to turn on me like that.”

During the most recent two episodes, we’ve watched Shay, Jordie and KJ all be sent to purgatory, and we’re dying to find out which of the kind-of-eliminated players are able to make it back into the game.

So, the question is, is Australian Survivor: Blood Vs Water still on tonight, even though it’s a public holiday?

Thankfully, the answer is yes! Australian Survivor will air as scheduled tonight, only on 10 and 10 Play on Demand. Love that for us!

Want more Australian Survivor? Read all of our stories here.

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